Monday, April 28, 2014

Exquisite Corpse: The Play, Part 2

Exquisite Corpse

Setting: On a boat, three guys fishing.


Schmidt: Did you get a tuna, or what? (Cocks shotgun)

John: Feels more like your mom after we hauled her drunk ass home from the Christmas part.

Jacob: I’d fuck your mom, Schmidt!

John: I already fucked her.

Schmidt: What the hell!! You’re sick!

Jacob: What man? I was only trying to dance with it, you know, lighten the mood.

Schmidt: Dance with it? Looks like you’re doing more than dancing! What’s wrong with you?

John: Tuna-dancing, I will have you know, is an important form of exercise.

Jacob: Oh yeah, that’s usually practiced in the West Indies though, isn’t it? I’ve never seen it done around here before.

John: Are we still talking about cannibalism?

Schmidt: No, we moved on to whether or not it’s a sanctified move to make implants mandatory in all porn stars.

Jacob: Depends on the porn.

 Exquisite Corpse

Setting: On a boat, three guys fishing.


Schmidt: Did you get a tuna, or what?

Jacob: I don’t… WHAT THE FUCK!!

Schmidt: Come on, help me pull it in.

John: How am I supposed to help you man, I’m holding the bucket for Jacob. Damn sea sickness!

Jacob: What do you have there? It’s huge. Pull that shit in faster John!

John: That’s what she said.

Schmidt: Oooo, too close to home Johnny.

Jacob: What? We’re all men here. Or well, those of us who weren’t born with the natural male apparatus had one sewn on. Haha, I’m just joking.

Schmidt: …Remind me to check your hospital records when we get back.

Jacob: Not sure about that…

Schmidt: Let’s throw the body back into the water.

Exquisite Corpse

Setting: On a boat, three guys fishing.


Schmidt: Did you get a tuna, or what?

John: I don’t know! Help me pull it in.

Jacob: Get the net Schmidt, or wait…no, I’ll get it, it’s over here.

Schmidt: Well, let’s hurry this up. What is that?

John: You can’t hurry perfection. I tell my wife that all the time in the ol’ sack, if you know what I mean.

Jacob: Yeah, some of us practice what we preach, ya know.

Schmidt: Yeah, and some of us practice on peaches.

Jacob: Fool, are you drunk? John, check to make sure he didn’t spike the bottles again.

Schmidt: Just a little Rohypnol.

John: …huh?

Schmidt: Are you hard of hearing?

Jacob: What?!

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